Old Fieldtrips

Field Trips

The field trips listed here are planned months in advance. As the date approaches, the newsletter and this webpage will provide further details.  It may be necessary to contact the trip leader, or Russ States at 814-676-6320 to confirm the times and other details.

February 2014 GBBC Jennings will offer two events during the Great Backyard Bird Count. In its 17th year, the GBBC is hosted by the National Audubon Society and Cornell Lab of Ornithology in partnership with Bird Studies Canada (http://www.birdsource.org/gbbc/). Participants in these events will learn from Jennings’ staff the basics of bird identification, observe and count birds at the feeders, and be introduced to the use of the GBBC website for submitting data and obtaining information. They will be encouraged to use their new skills to observe birds and submit their own data at home. Representatives of the Bartramian Audubon Society will be on hand to provide assistance. -

February 14, 2014-Friday A program for homeschooling families will feature hands-on discovery centers and allow parents and their children to work together to learn about, observe, and count birds for the GBBC. The program is designed for ages 5 and older, with a registration fee and limited enrollment. -

February 15, 2014-Saturday A workshop and observation session will be offered for any individuals, ages 12 and older, who share an interest in birds. This event is particularly recommended for teachers and youth leaders who want to involve their students in citizen science projects. Pre-registration will be required. Additional details and registration for these events will be available later through DCNR’s Calendar of Events at http://www.apps.dcnr.state.pa.us/Calendar/list.asp. For more information call 724-794-6011 or e-mail jenningssp@pa.gov. -

Saturday, December 21, 2013   Butler County Christmas Bird Count-

The Butler County CBC will be held on Saturday, December 15, 2012. The center of the 15 mile diameter of the count circle is located approximately 1.5 miles east of the junction of Lindey Road and Rt. 528. Lake Arthur, Moraine State Park, McConnells Mill, Wolf Creek Narrows and the campus of Slippery Rock University are within the circle. If you are interested in participating, either by being a feeder watcher or field observer, contact Suzanne Butcher at  330-759-1945 (leave messages) or sarbird@hotmail.com as soon as possible so count assignments can be made.

For more information contact Suzanne Butcher. Hope to see you there.

Sunday, December 29, 20132   - Pleasantville Christmas Bird Count-

The Pleasantville CBC will be held on Sunday, December 30, 2012 from dawn to dark (or earlier or later if you are so inclined). The circle for this count encompasses the area approximately from Titusville in the northwest to Pleasantville to Tionesta in the northeast south to President east to Oleopolis and Rouseville and then north along the western edge of Oil Creek State Park. The count is centered on the historic ghost town of Pithole. Please feel welcome to participate in this count. Assignments can be made for an easy to get to area if you are unfamiliar with this count. Also needed are feeder watchers who live in the area. If you are unsure if you are in the count circle call and ask. This is a more northern count than the Butler count, so expect some more northern species. If you are interested in helping, please contact: Russ States 814-676-6320 (please talk to the machine) or pabirder@verizon.net.
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